Random Police Stops(carding) have impacted Sikh Community in Canada
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Together with the partnership of Carleton University and UNITED SIKHS, we have begun an ambitious project to understand how Random Police Stops (carding) have impacted our Sikh community. It is well known that minorities in Canada are stopped by the police more often, including our own community. This project will be understanding the various experiences of our community so that we recognize the influences of this police practice and what needs to be done by it from our communities' stance!!!
We need your help to make this a successful project! This project has been and will be interviewing those in our community who have been randomly stopped by the police. If you are or someone you know is a Sikh Male, aged 18 and over, in Ontario and has been randomly questioned by the police when you know that you hadn't done anything illegal, then we would love to sit down with and hear from you, for as long as you would like at a time and place that works for you. All experiences and perspectives are important to us to understand how we should move forward. You will be given a ten-dollar Tim Horton's Card as a thank you for your time.
We respect your privacy and will only ask you and others to come forward if you feel comfortable to do so. With that said, we have taken steps to protect your privacy and your identity as we will be keeping you confidential by assigning you a different name in our final results!
Now let's make a positive difference towards our community and understand what needs to be done! If you would like more information or would like to participate, please contact the researcher Gurdeep Singh at 416-400-3942 or email at gurdeep.singh@unitedsikhs.org or gurdeepjagpal@cmail.carleton.ca. Share widely so that the most amount of people get this.
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Issued by,
Sukhwinder Singh
E: sukhwinder.singh@unitedsikhs.org

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