Advocacy And Humanitarian Aid Academy (AHAA)

UNITED SIKHS is excited to announce its 2018 Advocacy & Humanitarian Aid Academy (AHAA) Summit Schedule
Every year, UNITED SIKHS hosts the next generation of human rights advocates in Washington D.C. for a week of hands-on civic engagement and culturally significant events designed to empower college students to become leaders for the Sikh Community in both government and private sectors.
UNITED SIKHS works with leading government agencies and non-profit organizations to provide a unique grassroots experience for the Academy. From July 8-13, this year's Summit will focus on topics of global disaster relief best practices, Sikhs in American History, how to combat hate crimes and violations of religious freedom, as well as self-identification in U.S. Census statistics.
Students will have the opportunity to meet policy makers and have open dialogues about how the Sikh Community is recognized in America.
WHEN: July 8, 2017 - July 13, 2018
WHERE:Washington, DC, U.S.A
AHAA 2018 Full Schedule:
Sunday, July 8: AHAA Students Arrive in DC, Hotel Check-In, Welcome Meeting, National Gurdwara Langar, AHAA Orientation, Ice Breakers Group Intro Session, Roundtable Discussion: A Day in The Life of A Human Rights Advocate
Monday, July 9: AHAA Goals Workshop, Press Conference, Know Your Rights Workshop, NGO Civil Rights Presentations, Global Human Rights Survey Focus
Tuesday, July 10: Meetings with Congressional Sikh Caucus & FBI, Attend Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, NGO Combating Hate Crimes Presentations
Wednesday, July 11: NGO Disaster Preparedness & Relief Presentations, Tours of U.S. Capitol, Census Bureau, National Monuments & more
Thursday, July 12: AHAA Goals Recap, Breakout Group Dialogue: How Can I Be a Human Rights Advocate in My Hometown?
Friday, July 13: AHAA Summit Awards Ceremony
Important Links for AHAA