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This Press Release may be read online at: https://www.unitedsikhs.org/PressReleases/PRSRLS-14-07-2008-00_grmkhi.htm

p@ys irlIz: 14 julweI 2008 qdwnuswr 30 hwV (sMmq 540 nwnkSwhI)

XunweIitf isKs smwijk Avwz

jpjI swihb : jIvn-Aim@q !!!

nvIN idlI - XunweIitf isKs vloN clweI jw rhI kdrW-kImqW isKx dI sIrIz ny iek nvW rUp pyS kIqw ijs hyT bicAW nUM gurbwxI Aqy gurmq muqwibk jIvn-jwc isKweI geI jdoN bIqy mhIny gurdvwrw isMG sBw, p@ym ngr, jnkpurI, nvIN idlI ivKy "jpjI swihb ikauN" QIm dI vrkSw~p lgweI geI [ ies dw Kws inSwnw sn 10 qoN 16 swl dI aumr dy skUlI b~cy [

XunweIitf isKs fwieryktr kMvljIq isMG ny AwiKAw "ieh ds idn dI vrkSwp, ijs ivc dyF GMty dw sySn hONdw sI, 17 qoN 26 jUn 2008 q~k hr idn lgweI geI, ikauN ik AsIN mhsUs kIqw ik bicAW nwl jpjI swihb dy sunyhy dI sWJ pWaux dI vDyry loV hY, jo phlI pwqSwhI gurU nwnk swihb jI vloN ilKI phlI bwxI hY [

gurmUKI ilpI ivc AMikq gurbwxI jpjI swihb dy SuD aucwrn Aqy fUNGy ArQ dI smJ nUM Kws AhmIAq idqI geI, ikauNik A~j ieh zbwn / bolI Awm nhI hY [ gurmq imSnrI kw~ilj, ropV, pMjwb dy ivdvwn BweI mMgl isMG jI ny ieh sySn bicAW dI ijgXwsw nUM iDAwn ivc rKidAW bVy hI joS nwl lgwey [

BweI mMgl isMG jI ividAwrQIAW nwl gurp@Iq isMG Aqy lKn Srmw vwrqwlwpI-sySn ivc joS nwl Bwg lYNdy hoey

BweI mMgl isMG jI ny slweIf-So rwhIN jpjI swihb (svyr dI bwxI) dy ArQW nUM cMgyry qrIky nwl smJwieAw [ auhnW ny hr iek Sbd dw mqlb disAw Aqy ividAwrQIAW ny svwl puC ky Awpxy Sko-SuBy imtwey [ rozwnw izMdgI (Awcwr-ivhwr) ivc ies smJ nUM vrqx nUM Kws AhmIAq idqI geI [

ies p~K nUM smJWaux leI A&Zwinsqwn qoN Awey SrxwrQI Aqy hwl hI ivc isMG s~jy AmrjIq isMG bicAW nwl muKwiqb hoey [ ies qoN ieh drswieAw igAw ik ikvyN Ardws ny iek SrxwrQI dI izMdgI qbdIl kr idqI [

kMvljIq isMG ny disAw "keI mhIinAW qoN eI-myl rwhIN sNswr-Br qoN shwieqw leI guhwr kr rhy AmrjIq isMG nwl XunweIitf isKs dw sMprk hoieAw Aqy AsIN auhnW nUM s~dw idqw ik auh Aw ky Ardws bwry Awpxy qjurby sWJy krn [ nwl hI auhnW dI bImwr mwqw dyu ielwj leI Xogdwn bwbq vI AsIN crcw kIqI" [

AmrjIq isMG, A&Zwinsqwn qoN Awey SrxwrQI, bicAW nwl ivcwr-vtWdrw krdy hoey

AmrjIq isMG ny bicAW nwl idl dI fUMGweI qoN g~l-bwq kIqI Aqy AwiKAw "ivswKI vwly idn (Kwlsw-isrjnw idvs) mYN iek gurdvwrw swihb igAw Aqy isKW ivc inSkwm-syvw dI Bwvnw Aqy auhnW dy Kuly vqIry qoN mYN bhuqw prBwivq hoieAw hW" [

isKI Dwrn krn bwbq dsidAW auhnW AwiKAw "iPr mYN AnykW hI isK-vybsweItW qy jw ky isKI bwry jwxkwrI hwisl kIqI" [

vrkSwp ivc Bwg lYNx vwly 12-swlW dy gurp@Iq isMG Kwlsw ny disAw ik ikvyN rozwnw pwT / Ardws ny auhnW dI izMdgI ivc qbdIlI ilAw idqI hY [ auh AwKdy hn "jpjI swihb dw inqnym krn nwl mYN Asl ivc vDyry krmSIlqw, SkqI Aqy hONslw mhsUs krdw hW" [

ds idnW dI vrkSwp ivc Swml sI 10 im~ntW leI ismrn-sySn ijs ivc vwihgurU gurmMqr dy jwp nwl bicAW dy m~n dw itkwv cMgyrw bxWaux dw jqn kIqw igAw [ sb qoN CotI aumr dy bicAW ivcoN 9 swlW dy jsp@Iq isMG iek idn leI ismrn-sySn dy AwgU sn [ ies g~l dw ieqnw SkqISwlI Asr hoieAw ik bwkI b~cy vI sySn dy AwgU bxn leI auqswihq hoey [

bwkI p@yzyntySnW nwl hI Sbd-gurbwxI gwXn dI AgvweI iek syvwdwr sqivMdr kOr ny kIqI [ bicAW vloN vDyry auqswh vyKx nUM imilAw [ mndIp kOr, lKn Srmw Aqy Anuj Kyqrpwl ny do-do Sbd srvx krwey ijhnW dw Asr bhuqw SkqISwlI sI [

dsqwr sjwx dI AhmIAq bwbq disAw igAw Aqy bicAW ny ieCw ivAkq kIqI ik auhnW nUM dsqwr sjweI jwvy [ BweI mMgl isMG smyq bwkI syvwdwrW ny bicAW dy isrW qy dsqwrW sjweIAW [

srdwr iekbwl isMG (gurdvwrw p@ym ngr dy prDwn) BweI mMgl isMG jI nUM duSwlw Byt krdy hoey srdwr bljIq isMG (syvwdwr) srdwr iekbwl isMG jI nUM snmwinq krdy hoey

bicAW Aqy AwXojkW leI ieh iek AcMiBq krn vwlw qjurbw isD hoieAw [ &Kr dI Bwvnw dw Ahsws ho irhw sI jdoN vrkSwp ny bicAW nUM mu~dy nwl bVy hI Kuly Aqy vwrqwlwpI qOr qy joVn ivc kwmXwbI hwsl kIqI [

vrkSwp dy AwKrI idn, gurdvwrw swihb dy prDwn srdwr iekbwl isMG nUM duSwlw Byt kr ky snmwinAw igAw Aqy auhnW vloN idqy shXog leI auhnW dw D~nvwd kIqw igAw [ vrkSwp lgwx leI auhnW XunweIitf isKs dI SlwGw kIqI [ BweI mMgl isMG dw vI duSwly nwl snmwn kIqw igAw Aqy auhnW vloN vrkSwp dI kwmXwbI hyq kIqy auprwly nUM slwihAw igAw [

ividAwrQI Aqy XunweIitf isKs dI tIm

bicAW ny bynqI kIqI ik BivS ivc h&qy dy AwiKr ivc Aqy grmIAW dI CutIAW ivc vrkSwpW lgweIAW jWx [ XunweIitf isKs AYsy skUlW dI Bwl ivc hY ijhVy AYsI vrkSwpW dI myzbwnI krn ivc shXog dyNx [ AgoN hoNx vwlI vrkSwpW ivc ieh QIm Swml hn : AMg@yzI-vwrqwlwp, cMgyrI-XwdwSq, vkq-dI-sMBwl Aqy AwgU bxn dI kwblIAqW [ XunweIitf isKs AYsI phlI AMg@yzI-vwrqwlwp dI vrkSwp julweI ivc lgweygI Aqy bwkI muidAW qy AWaux vwly mhIinAW ivc [

kdrW-kImqW isKx dI sIrIz bwbq ies qoN ipClI p@ys-irlIz qusI ies vybilMk auqy vyK skdy ho : https://www.unitedsikhs.org/PressReleases/COMVCE-10-02-2008-00.htm

jwrI-krqw :

komlmIq kOr
kdrW-kImqW isKx dI sIrIz
XunweIitf isKs
&on : +91 - 9818096705

Our Mission

To transform underprivileged and minority communities and individuals into informed and vibrant members of society through civic, educational and personal development programs, by fostering active participation in social and economic activity.

UNITED SIKHS is also an avenue for networking between like-minded organisations to establish and nurture meaningful projects and dialogues - whether social, cultural or political- to promote harmony, understanding and reciprocity in our villages, towns and cities.

UNITED SIKHS is a coalition of organisations and individuals, who share a common vision based on the belief that there is no greater endeavour than to serve, empower and uplift fellow beings. The core of our philosophy is an unwavering commitment to civic service and social progress on behalf of the common good.

Accordingly, UNITED SIKHS has sought to fulfil its mission not only by informing, educating and uplifting fellow beings but also by participating in cross-cultural and political exchanges to ensure that the promises and benefits of democracy are realized by all.

We at UNITED SIKHS believe that the development of enlightened and progressive societies can be made possible by socially conscious groups of people who make a commitment to develop and direct human potential. Our work, efforts and achievements stand as a testament to our faith in this vision.