Press Release

UNITED SIKHS Rehabilitation Team Asked to Help Plan New Hospital as Langar (Community Kitchen) Continues in Two Locations in Haiti

Port-au-Prince:  The first UNITED SIKHS’ medical team of 6 doctors including two family practice physicians, a rehabilitation/pain management physician, a neurologist, an occupational therapist and a physical therapist returned after helping survivors with acute medical issues and physical rehabilitation.   The…

US President Praises UNITED SIKHS Relief Efforts in Haiti

“God’s grace is….expressed through multiple faith-based efforts. By evangelicals at World Relief.  By the American Jewish World Service. By Hindu temples, and mainline Protestants, Catholic Relief Services, African American churches, the United Sikhs.” : Barack Obama told a National Prayer Breakfast meeting, yesterday.…

UNITED SIKHS distributes blankets and supplies to displaced families in Pakistan as the hardships of winter continue.

Peshawar, Pakistan: UNITED SIKHS provided assistance to families who were affected by the communal conflict in the ( Feroz khel tribe) Orakzai Agency and (Sada) Khurram Agency, by providing them with blankets and assisting Gurdwaras with essential supplies utilizing funds…

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