Give the Gift of Empowerment Through Education: UNITED SIKHS Community Programs Need Your Help!

- he After School Education Assistance Program, NY and CA:This very effective CEED Homework Help program delivers high quality and exceptional academic services to help improve, refine and enhance students scholastic abilities.
- English as Second Language (ESL) & SAT classes:This program is gaining momentum as recently over the course of 6 weeks, 58 students from low income families received 20 hours each of SAT math preparation, SAT verbal preparation, college counseling and diagnostic testing.
- STARAE (Scholarships as a Tool to Accelerate and Revive Academic Excellence):Aims to provide free premium education to underprivileged students in India, who otherwise cannot afford to receive good basic education.
- DEEVA (Drugs Eradication through Education, Vigilance and Awareness) :To provide drug awareness education, detoxication and rehabilitation programs focusing on villages in Panjab, India.
- SWAN (Someone With a Need) :A project where we look for sponsors to provide financial assistance to students so they can continue their education.
- Know Your Rights:We encourage you to educate yourself about your rights and to educate others about Sikhism. Hate crimes and other forms of discriminatory behavior are rooted in fear and ignorance.
Read More.. - Bullying Prevention Initiative:Our focus on Bullying Prevention in the community continues with nation wide presentations on the issue at hand and what we as members can do to address the same.
- Legal and High School Internships:Multiple internships are offered to legal and high school interns. Interns participate in creating educational resources on airport security issues, bullying, hate crimes, discrimination at the workplace, and racial profiling to name a few.
- Sikh Awareness Project (SAP):This is a series of specially-designed, age-appropriate presentations which are focused on increasing awareness about Sikhs in everyday society.
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Diabetes Prevention and Education:
We continue to be a community partner and sub-grantee on Project RICE (Reaching Immigrants through Community Empowerment) for diabetes prevention and education work in the South Asian community in NY. This is a 5 year program, part of NYU School of Medicine’s Prevention Research Center and is supported by Centers for Disease Control (CDC). We are currently offering free educational classes on diabetes, where we will, as a community, learn about how to keep chronic diseases at bay.
Healthy Cooking Demonstrations:
Collaborating with health and nutrition experts, UNITED SIKHS conducted a demonstration on ‘healthy cooking’. Held at Gurdwara Sikh Cultural Society in Richmond Hill, NY, the demonstration got a tremendous response & encouraged the community to think differently about diet and nutrition.
To learn more about the CEED program, please click here or email us at
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