Dear Supporters,
As we are only a few hours away from entering the New Year, we ask ourselves whether we kept our commitment to you this year? Did we meet our goals for International Advocacy, Humanitarian Aid and Community Empowerment?
With every success in each of our global directorates and with every promise kept, we realize that we must continue to create more goals to meet in 2015.The road ahead is long and challenging…and we thank you for being on our side in the past and hope to have you with us today and always!
In 15 years, primarily as a volunteer based organization, UNITED SIKHS strives to keep its administrative cost low in the range of 15% and ensures that your donations go directly towards to the projects you have contributed towards. We could not have done it without you and cannot do it without you, thus as we approach the New Year, we humbly request you to contribute towards our 2015 goals.
The goals we met in 2014-
- Belgian Supreme Court Overturns Ban on Turban in Two Schools.
- UNITED SIKHS along with Sangat TV launched “Unheard Voices“: A three-part Documentary series on the Sikhs’ thirty-year long wait for truth and justice.
- Advocacy for Sikhs in Peshawar, Pakistan.
- Lawsuit filed against US Army for baring Sikh student from ROTC due to beard, unshorn hair, and turban.
- Sikh Turban Removal Case in Correctional Facility, NY.
- Petition for Kirpan accommodation requested in California Court.
- Correctional Facility Accommodates Turban for Sikh Father.
- First Ever “Sikh Cultural Awareness” Training conducted in Mississippi.
- 800 Raleigh,North Carolina police department agents complete another first ever Sikh Cultural Awareness Training.
- Sikh Awareness Program created for 70,000 First Responders in New Jersey.
- 13 Years since 9/11 and still fighting against misconceptions and racism.
- Justice for NYC Sikh businessman and Limousine driver.
- Hundreds of Youth reached through Anti- Bullying Campaign Workshops (ABC) in Washington DC, Virginia, New York, and New Jersey.
- 5th Global Sikh Civil and Human Rights Report released.
- 6th Annual Sikh Summit took place in Washington DC from July 28- 30, 2014 and gave UNITED SIKHS academy students and community members an opportunity to hold meaningful dialogue and promote solutions about important civil and human rights issues.
- Petition against The Drug Free Commercial Driver Act.
- Petition to Take Action against the Department Of Justice‘s revision to the federal racial profiling guidance.
- Sikh children not allowed to ride Go-Karts.
- Advocacy and Humanitarian Aid Academy (AHAA)
HUMANITARIAN AID- With our ongoing 22nd global relief mission in Malaysia, the team is humbled to have completed 15 years of global humanitarian relief work.
- Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s saroop and gutka sahibs retrieved by team after landing by helicopter at Gurdwara Kuala Krai, which was inundated with 50 feet of flood waters last week.
- 51 homes and 1 church reconstructed in Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan– from bamboo homes, the families are now residing in homes which are Typhoon level 4 resistant.
- GurKirpa Health Network was inaugurated on 18th October 2014.
- Kashmir, India– UNITED SIKHS Aid team, headed by Komal JB Singh, started the second phase of relief kit distribution on October 23, 2014.Since the second phase, over 400 families have been assisted. The relief kit consisted of mattresses,quilts, thermals, shawls and sweaters. During winter, temperatures in Kashmir hit below freezing,leaving these materials vital for survival.
- Malaysia 2014– Six valiant walkers walked 300km to raise awareness, funds and goodwill for UNITED SIKHS humanitarian aid projects for underprivileged children all over the world, as well as raising funds for the Gurpuri Foundation, which cares for many orphans and children in need in South East Asia. The team walked for 8 days and 7 nights with around 10 hours of walking a day from Singapore to Malaysia.
- UNITED SIKHS honored with the Superstorm Sandy Response Partner Award.
- Mother Child clinic serves over 400 patients at FREE medical and eye operation camp in one day.
- Ongoing Affordable Care Act Outreach and Enrollment, USA.
- The UNITED SIKHS Help Desk in Southall, England.
- Educare Centers where after school homework help, exam prep, leadership training and workshops are conducted.
- STARAE Scholarships Extended to 39 Students in Pakistan.
- Seventy STARAE Scholars have Marched on to their New School, New Delhi.
- White House Invites UNITED SIKHS Speaker for Guru Nanak Dev Ji Celebrations.
Your support is what made all of this possible. We humbly request you, as we end this year today with gratitude and inspiration to Donate Now and help make 2015 a bigger success. We also urge you to pass this message along to your friends and family to request their support too.
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