14th Oct 2021, Nanded, Maharashtra: UNITED SIKHS legal team secured bail for 15 of those arrested in the Hola Mohalla case in the city of Nanded in the western state of Maharashtra. A journey for the bails of the Sikh boys began when over two dozen Sikhs were arrested on false charges after the March 29 traditional Halla Bol procession.
After five months of intense efforts, most of the detainees were released on bail this week. The arrested Sikhs included 3 elderly men and 4 juveniles. Upon getting released they all mentioned that during the initial days of the arrest they were tortured and that the only ones spared were the elderly. In fact one detainee was taken to the hospital under duress.
3 FIR’s were lodged on the behest of a police inspector, constable and from a gurdwara granthi who was made to do so under threat. FIR’s were also lodged on 61 identified, plus 300-400 unidentified individuals as a means to harass and leverage broader powers to make future arrests.
This tale of injustice started on Holla Mohalla, a three day Sikh festival in March. Sikh devotees were being prevented by local Nanded police from gathering and observing the Hola Mohalla procession at Gurudwara Sahib.
Despite barricades preventing and blocking community members into the Gurudwara on the day of Hola Mohalla, hundreds of devotees made their way into the Gurudwara premises so they could take part in the once in a year celebration. As these devotees attempted to take out a procession violent scuffles ensued.
Later in the day Nanded police officers spread out across the city and arrested 29 Sikhs who were not connected to the violence earlier in the day. Many were picked up from homes, some at city intersections and others at transportation hubs.
Local politicians began wielding influence on police and the judiciary which has repeatedly prevented due process. Our volunteers have spent months tirelessly working alongside legal teams including making visits to the state Home Minister to defend the rights of the arrested Sikh men.
Many of these Sikh men come from very humble backgrounds with meager resources. Our teams feel humbled at the opportunity given by the local community members to provide legal representation to the most vulnerable Sikhs whose families could not afford legal fees. In fact multiple families were provided with daily essentials and assistance whilst their breadwinners were in detainment.
We extend our deep gratitude to UNITED SIKHS legal advisor Navkiran Singh. Also we want to highlight the work of Senior Council Ranjendra Deshmukh (High Court – Aurangabad), Senior Advocate A. G. Parvalkar (Session Court Nanded), Advocate Manpreet Singh, Advocate Amanpal Singh and Advocate Rajwant Singh in representing the detainees. We thank Mr. Sirsa of the DSGMC and all others who met with local officials to help in the release of those arrested.
According to UNITED SIKHS Director Mohinderjit Singh, “They will have to fight their cases for many years to come. They all have to show up in court for multiple hearings over the years. Their lives will be impacted for 10-15 years. This is punishment by attrition. Most of these Sikhs are from underprivileged situations. They will need strong community support or their long term prospects are grim under the heavy hand of local police and political strong men.”
We are committed to providing any required legal representation to these Sikh men along with anticipatory bails for many others in Nanded who have been falsely ensnared in FIR’s. Also we will stand with their families in looking to fulfill their unmet needs whilst this process is underway.
This victory is only possible with the support of our donors, the dedication of our volunteers and the grace of the almighty.
With your generous and critical support our legal teams will continue this legal humanitarian mission. Let’s Stand With Nanded Sikhs!
Gurvinder Singh
International Humanitarian Aid Director
Recognize the Human Race As One
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