Pakistani Sikhs Under Attack

  • Over a dozen Sikhs have been killed in targeted attacks in recent times.
  • Many Sikhs have left the country in recent years & those who remain are worried about their safety.
  • As the Sikh population in Pakistan continues to decline, it will become more difficult to maintain Gurdwaras in the country.

Thanks to your contributions, here’s what you’re helping us do :

Monetary Support :

1- We have been providing monetary support to the families of Dyal Singh, Ranjit Singh, and Kuljeet Singh Paying for their household expenses Supporting children’s education.

2- We are working to provide monthly monetary assistance for at least 5 years to help sustain Manmohan Singh’s family.

Relief Package :

1- We are coordinating with the authorities to get a relief package of 3 million PKR sanctioned each for the families of Ranjit Singh & Kuljeet Singh.

2- A relief package of 1 million PKR was announced & subsequently disbursed to Dyal Singh’s family.

3- We have helped submit government paperwork on behalf of Manmohan Singh’s family in order for them to receive 1 million PKR in relief funds as well.

Thanks to the support of donors & volunteers, we have been providing the following relief :

  • Immediate financial assistance to the families of the victims.
  • Coverage of monthly living expenses of the victims’ families, including food, rent, and utilities.
  • Coverage of victims’ children’s education.
  • Advocacy with the Pakistani government to secure compensation in terms of Relief Packages for the victims’ families.
  • Maintenance seva of gurdwaras in Pakistan where Sikh population has dwindled.

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