Key Dates
Voter Registration Deadline – Friday, October 14, 2022
Absentee ballot request deadline (online) – Monday, October 24, 2022
Early Voting
Saturday, October 29, 2022 – Sunday, November 6, 2022
General Election Day
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
What to Look for
of Your Ballot?
Ballot Question #1: Add a Statement of Values to Guide Government
This proposal would amend the New York City Charter to:
Add a preamble, which would be an introductory statement of values and vision aspiring toward “a just and equitable city for all” New Yorkers; and
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Include in the preamble a statement that the City must strive to remedy “past and continuing harms and to reconstruct, revise, and reimagine our foundations, structures, institutions, and laws to promote justice and equity for all New Yorkers.”
The preamble is intended to guide City government in fulfilling its duties.
Shall this proposal be adopted?
Ballot Question #2: Establish a Racial Equity Office, Plan, and Commission
This proposal would amend the City Charter to:
Require citywide and agency-specific Racial Equity Plans every two years. The plans would include intended strategies and goals to improve racial equity and to reduce or eliminate racial disparities;
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Establish an Office of Racial Equity and appoint a Chief Equity Officer to advance racial equity and coordinate the City’s racial equity planning process. The Office would support City agencies in improving access to City services and programs for those people and communities who have been negatively affected by previous policies or actions, and collect and report data related to equity; and
Establish a Commission on Racial Equity, appointed by City elected officials. In making appointments to this Commission, elected officials would be required to consider appointees who are representative of or have experience advocating for a diverse range of communities. The Commission would identify and propose priorities to inform the racial equity planning process and review agency and citywide Racial Equity Plans.
Shall this proposal be adopted?
Ballot Question #3: Measure the True Cost of Living
This proposal would amend the City Charter to:
Require the City to create a “true cost of living” measure to track the actual cost in New York City of meeting essential needs, including housing, food, childcare, transportation, and other necessary costs, and without considering public, private, or informal assistance, in order to inform programmatic and policy decisions; and
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Require the City government to report annually on the “true cost of living” measure.
Shall this proposal be adopted?
Help Spread the Word to All New Yorkers
Join our mission to help educate New Yorkers about their opportunity to vote on ballot proposals that reflect the Racial Justice Commission’s vision for racial justice and equity in New York City through Voter Education events.
Helping all New Yorkers learn about these three RJC ballot proposals, understand what difference they can make, and use their vote to say yes or no is the heartbeat of the Racial Justice Commission’s current mission.