Record Cold and Winter Storms in Texas
Posted in Press Release

An unprecedented winter storm on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 caused major power outages throughout Texas, leaving millions without electricity and water.  Authorities have instructed citizens to conserve their drinking water as the supply of filtered water runs low. 
While some power has returned to parts of Texas, food, resource, and gas shortages are causing major panic in many cities as people struggle to survive this winter storm. The areas in which electricity has returned to are now suffering from a shortage of drinkable water. 
The communities hit hardest by this storm are mostly low income communities with high Hispanic and African American populations. These communities that have also been impacted the hardest by Covid-19, are now in an even more precarious situation. 
Beginning on February 11, 2021, and continuing, President Biden has declared that a major disaster in the State of Texas and has ordered federal assistance to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe winter storms. If you need assistance, please reach out to  

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