Washington D.C.: Calling all Sikhs youth above 18yrs and young professionals. Open enrollment to participate in civic engagement, advocacy, empowerment training, education on government and potential internships with legislatures.

UNITED SIKHS Annual Academy in Washington D.C. is to promote engagement and empower civic responsibility for all that wish to be involved. This annual program hosts the next generation of human rights advocates for a week of engaging civic courses, meetings with elected officials, government agencies and leading non-profit organizations. This enriching experience builds character and confidence to become active in one’s community nationally and globally.
Apply to the Academy:
Enrollment is open to American Citizens, Canadian and International visitors with a valid United States of America visa.
Fee: $400 – includes hotel accommodations from July 7th – July 12th, breakfast, training and transportation for scheduled meetings and conferences
AHAA Dates: July 7, 2019 – July 12, 2019
Sunday: AHAA students arrive to D.C. and are assigned accommodations followed by a visit to the local Gurdwara. Welcome reception and orientation. Presentation on Sikhi in America and Globally.
Monday: Principles of Sikhism and how they relate to our daily life. UNITED SIKHS Know Your Rights workshop.
Tuesday: Meet and greet with representatives of American Sikh Caucus, TSA, FBI and the DOJ. Attend a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing. Role of NGOs in tackling hate crimes.
Wednesday: Partition history and 1984 presentations. Community support: Sikh helpline for mental health, drugs, rape, domestic violence, grooming. Followed by interactive workshops.
Thursday: AHAA 2019 Goals, Recap weekly events, Initiate community engagement and awareness. AHAA Summit Awards Ceremony. Lobbying mock sessions and workshops.
Friday: Hotel checkout in the morning. Engagement at Capitol Hill and AHAA Summit Awards Ceremony.
*Schedule is subject to change*
*Availability is limited and selection will be made on first come first serve basis.
Deadline to apply is April 26th*
Karandeep Singh 2015 Alumnus: “UNITED SIKHS AHAA presents a great opportunity for young adults to explore various career paths. As a college student, it can be hard to determine the next step. It has opened my eyes to the possibilities of future potential opportunities. I have been associated with AHAA since 2015 and it has enriched my understanding on community engagement and has helped me zero down on what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it.”
Manpreet Kaur 2018 Alumnus: “As a law student, AHAA helped me broaden my knowledge and experience on institutions that deal with various community issues including human and civil rights. AHAA allowed me to network with professionals from various backgrounds and strengthened my values as a professional and a Sikh. I would highly recommend AHAA to college students who are looking to fortify their skill sets.”
We appreciate your continued support: Any feedback, suggestions, comments are encouraged and always welcomed. Please click on the links to become a force of action today in your own city and country whether it is to volunteer or donateto our efforts.
Issued by:
AHAA team
E: academy-usa@unitedsikhs.org