Your 2 minutes = up to $250,000!!
UNITED SIKHS is at No. 2 Position at Chase Community Giving Help Us Get to No. 1 Have you voted for us on Facebook yet? Your 2 minutes = up to $250,000!! |
How to Vote: Please go to Click on the green “Vote & Share“ button. |

- You may be prompted to like Chase Community Giving page if you have not liked it before. Please “Like” Chase Giving page.
- Make sure to click on “Vote & Share” button again.
When you click on Vote & Share button, a new window may open that states: “Chase Community Giving” is requesting permission to do the following “……….” This window will have an “Allow” button that needs to be clicked.
Once you click the Allow button, a new message will appear with the “Vote & Share” button at the bottom.
Voting is not complete unless you click this “Vote & Share” button and see a message “Thanks for your Vote“, and the vote count increases. The link to Vote will appear on your Facebook page as well after you Vote successfully.

- Once voting is complete, you may also search for other Charities that work for a cause you would like to support and vote for them. If you want, you can vote up to 9 more charities.
New York, USA– Thanks to community members and supporters worldwide, UNITED SIKHS is among the top 5 organizations in the Chase Community Giving program on Facebook. Help us get to No. 1! Vote for us on Facebook, and if you already have, request friends and family to support us. Please revisit the page if you only clicked on “Like” earlier as Liking the page is not the same as Voting by clicking on “Vote & Share”.
UNITED SIKHS is competing with charities nationwide in USA for donations ranging from $25,000 to $250,000 through the Chase Community Giving program. You can help ensure our success by simply voting for UNITED SIKHS through the Chase Community Giving program on Facebook.
With the support of our volunteers, fans and supporters, UNITED SIKHS has the opportunity to get much needed resources to implement projects for underprivileged communities.
How You Can Help
You can help UNITED SIKHS win up to $250,000 by Voting for UNITED SIKHS at in the Chase Community Giving program on Facebook. Click on “Vote & Share” and follow instructions. You must see a Thank You message if your Vote was successful.
If you have questions about UNITED SIKHS or would like to get involved, please contact us at or call 1-888-243-1690.
UNITED SIKHS is a U.N. affiliated, international non-profit, non-governmental, humanitarian relief, human development and advocacy organization, aimed at empowering those in need, especially disadvantaged and minority communities across the world. UNITED SIKHS is registered: as a non-profit tax exempt organization pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in the USA; as a Registered Charity in England and Wales under the Charities Act 1993, Charity Number 111 2055; and is a registered NGO in Belgium and Australia; as a non-profit organization in Canada; under the Societies Registration Act 1860 in Panjab, under the French Association Law 1901 and is an NGO pending registration in the Rep of Ireland and Malaysia. UNITED SIKHS is registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan.
About Chase Community Giving
Chase Community Giving is grant program inspiring a new way of corporate philanthropy by letting participants
vote to help determine which small and local non profits will receive donations from Chase’s philanthropy
funds. The program has given away over $15 million in grants to charities nationwide, with focuses including
arts and culture; education and youth development; environment; animal welfare; health and social services; community development; medical research and awareness; recreation and sports; and international development.
Issued by:
Jatinder Singh
1-888-243-1690/ 510-999-7726/ 646-688-3525