UNITED SIKHS LAUNCH HURRICANE FLORENCE RELIEF CAMPAIGN United Nations-Affiliated Non-Profit Opens Nine Donation Centers Across America
Posted in Sikh AID
WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA â€” UNITED SIKHS today announced a call for donations to help victims of Hurricane Florence, which continues to batter the East Coast of the United States. The humanitarian organization partnered with nine gurudwaras to open donation drop-off centers across the country. Items most urgently needed include: baby formula, blankets, first aid kits, flashlights, batteries, bottled water, hygiene products, and dry food, such as rice, beans and flour.
According to local officials, Florence has killed at least 18 people and the Carolinas continue to experience record flooding and threats of landslides and health outbreaks, as dams and rivers continue to flow over into residential neighborhoods and city streets. Flooding surpassed rooftops of homes in many parts of the state, and several rivers, including the Neuse, Trent and Cape Fear, will remain above record flood stage through the end of the week, exacerbating fears of more damage.
“We’ve been in contact with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to commence ground relief efforts and establish our base camp for food distribution,” said Rajesh Singh, UNITED SIKHS Operations Manager. “We urge all Americans to join hands and help those in need. As flood waters recede, we will continue to monitor the area for public health threats and provide necessary resources to people of all faiths throughout the Carolinas region.”
As a precaution, UNITED SIKHS urge the public to follow these tips provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to keep yourself and your family safe after Hurricane Florence:NEVER touch a fallen power line. Do not walk or drive through standing water if downed power lines are in the water.Avoid driving through flooded areas and standing water. Turn around, don’t drown.Check your carbon monoxide detector’s batteries. Always keep generators and any gasoline-powered engine outside, in a dry area, at least 20 feet from any window, door, or vent.Throw away food that may have come in contact with flood or storm water; perishable foods that have not been refrigerated properly due to power outages; and those with an unusual odor, color, or texture. When in doubt, throw it out.Do not use water you suspect or have been told is contaminated to wash dishes, brush your teeth, wash and prepare food, wash your hands, make ice, or make baby formula. Your state, local, or tribal health department can make specific recommendations for boiling or treating water in your area.When returning to your home, be aware that flood water may contain sewage and other hazards. Keep children and pets out of the affected area until cleanup has been completed.When it is safe to return home, clean up and dry out your home quickly (within 24 to 48 hours) to prevent mold. Use fans and position them to blow air out doors or windows.In hot weather, stay cool and drink plenty of fluids to prevent heat-related illness.
To donate to Sikh Aid relief efforts, please visit: https://unitedsikhs.org/donate/ or bring your donation to one of the following collection centers:
Issued by:
Gurvinder Singh

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